In most projects, a download service is required for file downloads. This post entails downloading a file via a backend service.
1. Install the dependencies, file-saver and the types
Assumption: Typescript is used for Angular code
npm install file-saver --save npm install @types/file-save --save-dev
2.Create a FileService and add a download() function to get the document
@Injectable() export class FileService{ private DOCUMENT_API_PATH= '/api/getDocument'; download(documentId: string): Observable{ // set headers for the file and response to be Blob const headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers }); options.responseType = ResponseContentType.Blob; return this.http.get(`${this.DOCUMENT_API_PATH}/${documentId}`, options) .map((res: Response) => res) .catch(this.handleError); } // handle error private handleError (error: any) { return Observable.throw(error); } }
3. Call the fileService download() in the component to download the file. This will save the file locally. .subscribe( (response: any) => { // get the response as blob, rename the file, and save it const blob = response.blob(); const file = new Blob([blob], {}); const filename = 'document-' + + '.pdf'; FileSaver.saveAs(file, filename); }, error => { alert('The file is not available'); }, () => {} );
Hope this is helpful.
Can you share the API method?